Customer Suppport Professional
Superior Internet Solutions
No. of Vacancies : 2
Job Description / Responsibility Troubleshooting problems with customers.Help clients with general questions about email and websites.Documenting process flow.Articulating problems in a clear and concise manner both written and verbally.Track daily performance.Show up on time and have a positive attitude daily.
Educational RequirementsMasters Degree or Above
Application Deadline: April 26, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Nonverbal Communications:
Nonverbal Communications:
Escape the Pitfalls
It begins even before you say your first word in an interview. As the interviewer walks toward you to shake hands, an opinion is already being formed. And as you sit waiting to spew out your answers to questions you've prepared for, you are already being judged by your appearance, posture, smile or your nervous look.
Look back at speakers or teachers you've listened to. Which ones stand out as memorable? The ones who were more animated and entertaining, or the ones who just gave out information? This is not to say you have to entertain the interviewer -- no jokes required -- but it does mean the conversation should be animated and interactive. If you say you are excited about the prospect of working for this company but don't show any enthusiasm, your message will probably fall flat. So smile, gesture once in a while, show some energy and breathe life into the interview experience.
And don't underestimate the value of a smile. In addition to the enthusiasm it expresses to the interviewer, smiling often makes you feel better about yourself.
Nonverbal Messages:
The Handshake: It's your first encounter with the interviewer. She holds out her hand and receives a limp, damp hand in return -- not a very good beginning. Your handshake should be firm -- not bone-crushing -- and your hand should be dry and warm. Try running cold water on your hands when you first arrive at the interview site. Run warm water if your hands tend to be cold. The insides of your wrists are especially sensitive to temperature control. Your Posture: Stand and sit erect. We're not talking ramrod posture, but show some energy and enthusiasm. A slouching posture looks tired and uncaring. Check yourself out in a mirror or on videotape. Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye. You don't want to stare at her like you're trying to look into her soul, but be sure to make sure your eyes meet frequently. Avoid constantly looking around the room while you are talking, because that can convey nervousness or a lack of confidence with what is being discussed. Don't Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body. Preparing what you have to say is important, but practicing how you will say it is imperative. The nonverbal message can speak louder than the verbal message you're sending.
Escape the Pitfalls
It begins even before you say your first word in an interview. As the interviewer walks toward you to shake hands, an opinion is already being formed. And as you sit waiting to spew out your answers to questions you've prepared for, you are already being judged by your appearance, posture, smile or your nervous look.
Look back at speakers or teachers you've listened to. Which ones stand out as memorable? The ones who were more animated and entertaining, or the ones who just gave out information? This is not to say you have to entertain the interviewer -- no jokes required -- but it does mean the conversation should be animated and interactive. If you say you are excited about the prospect of working for this company but don't show any enthusiasm, your message will probably fall flat. So smile, gesture once in a while, show some energy and breathe life into the interview experience.
And don't underestimate the value of a smile. In addition to the enthusiasm it expresses to the interviewer, smiling often makes you feel better about yourself.
Nonverbal Messages:
The Handshake: It's your first encounter with the interviewer. She holds out her hand and receives a limp, damp hand in return -- not a very good beginning. Your handshake should be firm -- not bone-crushing -- and your hand should be dry and warm. Try running cold water on your hands when you first arrive at the interview site. Run warm water if your hands tend to be cold. The insides of your wrists are especially sensitive to temperature control. Your Posture: Stand and sit erect. We're not talking ramrod posture, but show some energy and enthusiasm. A slouching posture looks tired and uncaring. Check yourself out in a mirror or on videotape. Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye. You don't want to stare at her like you're trying to look into her soul, but be sure to make sure your eyes meet frequently. Avoid constantly looking around the room while you are talking, because that can convey nervousness or a lack of confidence with what is being discussed. Don't Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body. Preparing what you have to say is important, but practicing how you will say it is imperative. The nonverbal message can speak louder than the verbal message you're sending.
Top Ten Reasons Why You Need a Cover Letter

Top Ten Reasons Why You Need a Cover Letter
Your cover letter presents your intentions, qualifications, and availability to a prospective employer in a succinct, appealing format. It's your first chance to make a great impression, a personalized letter indicates you are serious about your job search. Your resume can give the nitty-gritty of dates, places of employment, and education but your cover letter must entice the reader to take the extra few minutes to consider you when faced with hundreds and thousands of candidates for any one job opening.
1. Do you really need a cover letter?You bet! Just as you would never just show up unannounced at a prospective employer's door, your resume should Never just appear solo on a decision- maker's desk. Your cover letter is your first opportunity to introduce yourself, present your qualifications, and show the search committee you are a potential candidate for the advertised position.
2. Personalize it to the company. Anyone can reproduce a "canned" cover letter and hope for the best. Instead, take a few minutes to personalize your letter by showing that you are really serious about working for the companies you are contacting. State the reason that you are interested in working for that particular company. Mention a department, a new project the company is involved in, an acquisition the company has made. Show that you have done your homework. Address the cover letter to a specific individual whenever possible.
3. Why are you sending your resume and cover letter?Cover letters should be clear and to the point. Include the specific job title, two to three reasons why your experience makes a good fit, and a brief outline of career highlights.
4. Highlight your strengths!You may be a great person and never call in sick, but prospective employers really want to know why they should consider you for this position. Brag a little! Give a few facts, list relevant skills, and state accomplishments on your present or most recent jobs that will be impressive. Increased overseas sales by 93%? Negotiated new financial leases/loans? Implemented new training programs which reduced staff turnover by 15%?
5. State your intentions and qualifications right up front.If you expect a senior personnel manager or recruiter to wade through a mish-mash of information on your cover letter before understanding why you are sending your resume, chances are, it will never happen.
6. What makes you different?Emphasize your skills, talents, and experiences to show how you would be a valuable addition to the team. If you have relevant volunteer or professional experience include it briefly in your cover letter. Example: An accountant who serves as volunteer treasurer for a nonprofit community health organization; an international sales rep who has lived in Europe and Asia and speaks several languages.
7. No negative information!Never include personality conflicts with previous employers, pending litigation suits, or sarcastic remarks in your cover letter. If you are bad-mouthing your present place of employment, interviewers may fear a repeat performance if they hire you.
8. When should you include salary/relocation information?The rule of thumb is to always include salary requirements and/or salary history in the cover letter if a prospective employer requests it. For example: My salary requirements are $60,000-$75000 (negotiable). Or: My current salary is $53,000 at XYZ corporation. To eliminate this information from your cover letter may justify your resume getting tossed out. Never include salary and relocation information on your resume, only address this information in your cover letter.
9. Action Steps to TakeTake a proactive approach in your cover letter. State the fact that you are available for a personal interview; give your home, work, e-mail, and/or cell phone numbers where you can be reached; note that you will follow up by phone (where possible) to provide any additional information required.
10. Be direct!A professionally written cover letter and resume can open the doors to your next position on the corporate ladder, as well as a new career in a different field. A clean, error-free presentation combined with strong phrasing and solid facts will encourage the reader to review the attached resume and call you in for an interview.
Your cover letter presents your intentions, qualifications, and availability to a prospective employer in a succinct, appealing format. It's your first chance to make a great impression, a personalized letter indicates you are serious about your job search. Your resume can give the nitty-gritty of dates, places of employment, and education but your cover letter must entice the reader to take the extra few minutes to consider you when faced with hundreds and thousands of candidates for any one job opening.
1. Do you really need a cover letter?You bet! Just as you would never just show up unannounced at a prospective employer's door, your resume should Never just appear solo on a decision- maker's desk. Your cover letter is your first opportunity to introduce yourself, present your qualifications, and show the search committee you are a potential candidate for the advertised position.
2. Personalize it to the company. Anyone can reproduce a "canned" cover letter and hope for the best. Instead, take a few minutes to personalize your letter by showing that you are really serious about working for the companies you are contacting. State the reason that you are interested in working for that particular company. Mention a department, a new project the company is involved in, an acquisition the company has made. Show that you have done your homework. Address the cover letter to a specific individual whenever possible.
3. Why are you sending your resume and cover letter?Cover letters should be clear and to the point. Include the specific job title, two to three reasons why your experience makes a good fit, and a brief outline of career highlights.
4. Highlight your strengths!You may be a great person and never call in sick, but prospective employers really want to know why they should consider you for this position. Brag a little! Give a few facts, list relevant skills, and state accomplishments on your present or most recent jobs that will be impressive. Increased overseas sales by 93%? Negotiated new financial leases/loans? Implemented new training programs which reduced staff turnover by 15%?
5. State your intentions and qualifications right up front.If you expect a senior personnel manager or recruiter to wade through a mish-mash of information on your cover letter before understanding why you are sending your resume, chances are, it will never happen.
6. What makes you different?Emphasize your skills, talents, and experiences to show how you would be a valuable addition to the team. If you have relevant volunteer or professional experience include it briefly in your cover letter. Example: An accountant who serves as volunteer treasurer for a nonprofit community health organization; an international sales rep who has lived in Europe and Asia and speaks several languages.
7. No negative information!Never include personality conflicts with previous employers, pending litigation suits, or sarcastic remarks in your cover letter. If you are bad-mouthing your present place of employment, interviewers may fear a repeat performance if they hire you.
8. When should you include salary/relocation information?The rule of thumb is to always include salary requirements and/or salary history in the cover letter if a prospective employer requests it. For example: My salary requirements are $60,000-$75000 (negotiable). Or: My current salary is $53,000 at XYZ corporation. To eliminate this information from your cover letter may justify your resume getting tossed out. Never include salary and relocation information on your resume, only address this information in your cover letter.
9. Action Steps to TakeTake a proactive approach in your cover letter. State the fact that you are available for a personal interview; give your home, work, e-mail, and/or cell phone numbers where you can be reached; note that you will follow up by phone (where possible) to provide any additional information required.
10. Be direct!A professionally written cover letter and resume can open the doors to your next position on the corporate ladder, as well as a new career in a different field. A clean, error-free presentation combined with strong phrasing and solid facts will encourage the reader to review the attached resume and call you in for an interview.
Handle Your Work Hiatus On Your Resume

Handle Your Work Hiatus On Your Resume
Whether it's been six months or 10 years, searching for a job after a workforce absence can be daunting. The work world somehow continued without you, and you may feel like you've been left behind.
The good news is that you can reenter the workforce armed with a dynamic resume and an aggressive job search plan. Whether you've been unemployed and looking for work, on sabbatical, raising a family, caring for an ill family member, attending school, on disability or in retirement, follow these tips to create your resume.
Before You Write Your Resume
Whether it's been six months or 10 years, searching for a job after a workforce absence can be daunting. The work world somehow continued without you, and you may feel like you've been left behind.
The good news is that you can reenter the workforce armed with a dynamic resume and an aggressive job search plan. Whether you've been unemployed and looking for work, on sabbatical, raising a family, caring for an ill family member, attending school, on disability or in retirement, follow these tips to create your resume.
Before You Write Your Resume
Assess Your Skills and Experience: Research your job target to learn what hiring managers now find desirable in ideal candidates. Write a list of your matching skills, experience, training, and personal attributes. How would an employer benefit from hiring you?
Refresh Your Skills: Your research might have shown that some of your skills need to be updated. Because you are competing with job seekers who have been on steady career tracks, do what is necessary to compete successfully. Enroll in courses, study independently, and practice your skills whenever possible. This will boost your confidence and get you back in the game.
Maintain Ties to the Working World: Besides being a great opportunity to network, immersing yourself in professional activities will give you relevant, recent experience to add to your resume. Do volunteer work, join a professional organization, attend conferences, complete freelance and consulting projects, and accept temporary assignments.
When Writing Your Resume
Pick the Right Format: Many people returning to work assume they need a functional resume to hide the gap. But be careful about selecting this format, because hiring managers might suspect you're trying to hide something. You might do better with a combination resume, which is a reverse-chronological resume that leads with a Qualifications Summary. The summary emphasizes your most related credentials so hiring managers readily see your qualifications. Consider a functional format only if you've been out of work for many years and you need to emphasize your functional skill set.
Pick the Right Format: Many people returning to work assume they need a functional resume to hide the gap. But be careful about selecting this format, because hiring managers might suspect you're trying to hide something. You might do better with a combination resume, which is a reverse-chronological resume that leads with a Qualifications Summary. The summary emphasizes your most related credentials so hiring managers readily see your qualifications. Consider a functional format only if you've been out of work for many years and you need to emphasize your functional skill set.
Accentuate the Positive: Organize your resume so your key selling points are immediately evident. The top third of page one is the most important part of your resume, so include your most marketable skills and experience there. If you are concerned about your time gap, think about creative ways to obscure it. Maybe you traveled internationally and can mention your exposure to different cultures and languages. Perhaps you led or participated in a fund-raising event for a charity. Continuing education, volunteer work, professional development, and independent study are all valid uses of your time while out of the workforce. Try to tie in how your experience relates to your career goal. Convince employers that you still have what it takes to contribute to organizational goals despite your workforce absence.
Don't Call Attention to Dates: Try not to emphasize dates when formatting your resume. Avoid surrounding dates with white space, which will draw the eye. Instead, place them in parentheses next to your job titles.
Put Your Cover Letter to Work: Use your cover letter to explain why you temporarily stepped away from your career, emphasizing that you're now available and excited about pursuing employment. Let your enthusiasm for reentering the workforce shine through your letter.
Remember, you will need to work harder at job searching than colleagues with recent work experience do. Keep an open mind and positive attitude. You might need to take a pay cut or accept a position at a lower level than the one you had before you left. It might be a blow to the ego, but the reality is that employers like to hire workers with a recent track record. If you accept a position at a lower level than desired, use it as an opportunity to prove yourself and you'll soon work your way back up the ladder.
Put Your Cover Letter to Work: Use your cover letter to explain why you temporarily stepped away from your career, emphasizing that you're now available and excited about pursuing employment. Let your enthusiasm for reentering the workforce shine through your letter.
Remember, you will need to work harder at job searching than colleagues with recent work experience do. Keep an open mind and positive attitude. You might need to take a pay cut or accept a position at a lower level than the one you had before you left. It might be a blow to the ego, but the reality is that employers like to hire workers with a recent track record. If you accept a position at a lower level than desired, use it as an opportunity to prove yourself and you'll soon work your way back up the ladder.
Complete Guide on CV Preparation

Complete Guide on CV Preparation
CV's are called a variety of things (eg, curriculum vitae, resume). There is no universally accepted format. The most important attribute of a successful CV is that it clearly explains to the reader what it is that you can do for them. Your CV should be:
- A well-presented, selling document
- A source of interesting, relevant information
- A script for talking about yourself
The purpose of your CV is not to get you the job. Its purpose is to get you an interview, and after your meeting to remind the person you met with about you. Remember: you are not writing a CV for yourself, you are writing it for the reader. So, as you write your CV, put yourself in the shoes of the intended reader.
This section takes you through the content and detail of effective CVs:
- A standard two-page printed CV
- A one-page summary CV
- An online CV
Jobsites in Bangladesh
To assist job seekers, this site has been developed with a list of important job related websites and tips and information.
Name and address of the Jobsites
01. http://www.bdjobs.comBSRS Bhaban [8th floor], 12 Karwan Bazar,Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.Tel: [02] 9117179, 9140345, 0152312815
02. 26, Road 28, Block-K, BananiDhaka-1213, Bangladesh.Tel: [02] 9888712, 8817270, 9893308-9Fax: +88 02) 8815490Email:
03. http://www.deshijob.comSection 11, Block-A, Road 8, House 1, Mirpur, Pallabi, Dhaka-1216.Tel: [02] 0152363859, 0188429429
04. http://www.grameenjobs.comRM Center [4th Floor], 101 Gulshan Avenue,Dhaka-1212.Tel: [02] 8811362, 9891756
05. http://www.jobsa1.comRawshan Tower [2nd floor],152/2A/2, Panthapath, Green Road, Dhaka-1205.Tel: [02] 9676339, 0152-309199
06. http://www.jobsdiary.com9/C Motijheel C/A, Shahnewaz Bhaban 4th Floor,Suite 11, Dhaka-1000.Tel: [02] 9564616, 0191-510531, 0171-161317
07. http://www.jobstreet.comBSRS Bhaban [Level 5], 12 Kawran Bazar,Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.Tel: [02] 911 4331, 911 8014, 911 8497
08. http://www.prothom-alojobs.comHouse No: 132, Road No: 5, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh.Tel: [2] 8712003, 8712004Fax: [88-02] 8712002
09. 10/B, Road: 103 Gulshan-2,Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.Phone: +88 02 8832891, +88 02 8832892Fax: +88 02 9894427 Email:
10. Aim in LifeApartment No - A/4, Boshati HorizonHouse No-21 Road No-17,Banani Commercial Area.Phone: 8802 8832106, 8802 8832123E-mail:
11. Jeebika.com6/8 Humayun Road Block- B MohammadpurDhaka-
1207Phone: +880 2 8156772
12. for update of new jobsites in Bangladesh
Name and address of the Jobsites
01. http://www.bdjobs.comBSRS Bhaban [8th floor], 12 Karwan Bazar,Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.Tel: [02] 9117179, 9140345, 0152312815
02. 26, Road 28, Block-K, BananiDhaka-1213, Bangladesh.Tel: [02] 9888712, 8817270, 9893308-9Fax: +88 02) 8815490Email:
03. http://www.deshijob.comSection 11, Block-A, Road 8, House 1, Mirpur, Pallabi, Dhaka-1216.Tel: [02] 0152363859, 0188429429
04. http://www.grameenjobs.comRM Center [4th Floor], 101 Gulshan Avenue,Dhaka-1212.Tel: [02] 8811362, 9891756
05. http://www.jobsa1.comRawshan Tower [2nd floor],152/2A/2, Panthapath, Green Road, Dhaka-1205.Tel: [02] 9676339, 0152-309199
06. http://www.jobsdiary.com9/C Motijheel C/A, Shahnewaz Bhaban 4th Floor,Suite 11, Dhaka-1000.Tel: [02] 9564616, 0191-510531, 0171-161317
07. http://www.jobstreet.comBSRS Bhaban [Level 5], 12 Kawran Bazar,Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.Tel: [02] 911 4331, 911 8014, 911 8497
08. http://www.prothom-alojobs.comHouse No: 132, Road No: 5, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh.Tel: [2] 8712003, 8712004Fax: [88-02] 8712002
09. 10/B, Road: 103 Gulshan-2,Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.Phone: +88 02 8832891, +88 02 8832892Fax: +88 02 9894427 Email:
10. Aim in LifeApartment No - A/4, Boshati HorizonHouse No-21 Road No-17,Banani Commercial Area.Phone: 8802 8832106, 8802 8832123E-mail:
11. Jeebika.com6/8 Humayun Road Block- B MohammadpurDhaka-
1207Phone: +880 2 8156772
12. for update of new jobsites in Bangladesh
Resume Model For experienced
# 13/3, 2nd main, 7th cross,
Bhovi palya, Hridaya pura,
City - 000000
State, Country E-mail: Phone: 091-000-000000
Intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed & dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and realize my potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment.
Software Exposure:
Operating System Win 9X, Win NT
Languages C, C++
CAD Tools Auto CAD 2000, Pro/E 2000i2
Ø B.E in [branch of Engineering] from [Name and address of the Institute] with First class [80. 00%] in final year.
Aggregate: 80% of all semesters.
Ø PUC Passed in Second class, [80. 00%] from [Name and address of the Institute] in [Month 200x.]
Ø SSLC Passed in First class, [80.00%] from [Name and address of the Institute] in [Month 200x.]
Curriculum Project:
Project Title: “Design And Development Of Test Setup For Internal Hydrostatic Pressure And Bursting Of Unplasticsed (Rigid) PVC Pipes”.
Brief Overview Of Project:
The objective of our project is to determine the maximized pressure the PVC pipes can withstand. This set-up is being used as the Laboratory Experimental Setup in our college.
To achieve this, complete design and drawing of different parts has been made under guidance of project guide. The fabrication is made as per the design drawing.
Personal Profile:
Name: Type Your Name
Date of Birth: 01-01-1982.
Father’s name: Type Father’s Name
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Malayalam and French
Nationality: Indian
Permanent Address: #86/1, JayaNagar,12th Cross,
Banglore-577002, Ph: 091-000-000000
I consider myself familiar with Mechanical Engineering Aspects. I am also confident of my ability to work in a team.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.
(Your Name)
# 13/3, 2nd main, 7th cross,
Bhovi palya, Hridaya pura,
City - 000000
State, Country E-mail: Phone: 091-000-000000
Intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed & dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and realize my potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment.
Software Exposure:
Operating System Win 9X, Win NT
Languages C, C++
CAD Tools Auto CAD 2000, Pro/E 2000i2
Ø B.E in [branch of Engineering] from [Name and address of the Institute] with First class [80. 00%] in final year.
Aggregate: 80% of all semesters.
Ø PUC Passed in Second class, [80. 00%] from [Name and address of the Institute] in [Month 200x.]
Ø SSLC Passed in First class, [80.00%] from [Name and address of the Institute] in [Month 200x.]
Curriculum Project:
Project Title: “Design And Development Of Test Setup For Internal Hydrostatic Pressure And Bursting Of Unplasticsed (Rigid) PVC Pipes”.
Brief Overview Of Project:
The objective of our project is to determine the maximized pressure the PVC pipes can withstand. This set-up is being used as the Laboratory Experimental Setup in our college.
To achieve this, complete design and drawing of different parts has been made under guidance of project guide. The fabrication is made as per the design drawing.
Personal Profile:
Name: Type Your Name
Date of Birth: 01-01-1982.
Father’s name: Type Father’s Name
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Malayalam and French
Nationality: Indian
Permanent Address: #86/1, JayaNagar,12th Cross,
Banglore-577002, Ph: 091-000-000000
I consider myself familiar with Mechanical Engineering Aspects. I am also confident of my ability to work in a team.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.
(Your Name)
Jobsites in Qatar
1. A site of Advanced Systems, one of the largest growing ASPs in the region. Advanced Systems focus on the most important business applications present to the Arab World
2. Mine jobs provides you with access to the best mining jobs, mineral exploration jobs, oil and gas exploration jobs, geologist jobs, earth sciences research and scientific jobs.
3. As a leader in the online recruiting industry, Yahoo! HotJobs ( has revolutionized the way people manage their careers and the way companies hire talent. Yahoo! HotJobs' tools and advice put job seekers in control of their careers and make it easier and more cost-effective for employers and staffing firms to find qualified candidates. In addition to its popular consumer job board, Yahoo! HotJobs provides employers, recruiters, and staffing agencies with progressive recruiting solutions and hiring management software
4. Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining & Engineering Jobs Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
5. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
6. Learn4good is a directory which provides information on quality educational, employment & travel resources worldwide.
7. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
8. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
9. Thousands of job vacancies in deluxe hotels, restaurants and cruise ships across the globe. Visit today and apply online. Register your CV in our candidate database and to receive e-mail job alerts.
10. is the first portal in online recruitment and career development in the region. came into existence as a result of an overwhelming demand for a successful match between the right job and the right candidate
11. Eligo Recruitment - Oil and Gas Jobs Specialist Oil and Gas recruitment website for Qatar and the Middle East. Hundreds of opportunities in the region's booming Oil and Gas Industry. Email your CV/Resume now
12. Explore Qatar Main portal of Qatar which includes forums and free classifieds
13. - Qatar - Work Abroad, Overseas Careers, Expatriates and International Employment.
14. This website is dedicated to the support of the Strategic Qatarization Plan initiated to achieve a quality 50 percent national workforce in the Energy & Industry Sector in Qatar pursuant to the directives of H.H. The Emir. The development of the Qatari workforce, through proper education and training, is now a primary national objective designed to enhance the development march in the country. We appreciate the role of expatriates as partners supporting the Qatarization process. Expatriates who have contributed favourably to our Qatarization drive are seen as valuable members of our workforce. Wherever possible, we will continue to employ those high performing expatriates in new business developments and expansions in the Energy & Industry Sector.
15. We have the experienced support services and the technology to take over your complete recruitment requirements.
2. Mine jobs provides you with access to the best mining jobs, mineral exploration jobs, oil and gas exploration jobs, geologist jobs, earth sciences research and scientific jobs.
3. As a leader in the online recruiting industry, Yahoo! HotJobs ( has revolutionized the way people manage their careers and the way companies hire talent. Yahoo! HotJobs' tools and advice put job seekers in control of their careers and make it easier and more cost-effective for employers and staffing firms to find qualified candidates. In addition to its popular consumer job board, Yahoo! HotJobs provides employers, recruiters, and staffing agencies with progressive recruiting solutions and hiring management software
4. Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining & Engineering Jobs Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
5. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
6. Learn4good is a directory which provides information on quality educational, employment & travel resources worldwide.
7. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
8. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
9. Thousands of job vacancies in deluxe hotels, restaurants and cruise ships across the globe. Visit today and apply online. Register your CV in our candidate database and to receive e-mail job alerts.
10. is the first portal in online recruitment and career development in the region. came into existence as a result of an overwhelming demand for a successful match between the right job and the right candidate
11. Eligo Recruitment - Oil and Gas Jobs Specialist Oil and Gas recruitment website for Qatar and the Middle East. Hundreds of opportunities in the region's booming Oil and Gas Industry. Email your CV/Resume now
12. Explore Qatar Main portal of Qatar which includes forums and free classifieds
13. - Qatar - Work Abroad, Overseas Careers, Expatriates and International Employment.
14. This website is dedicated to the support of the Strategic Qatarization Plan initiated to achieve a quality 50 percent national workforce in the Energy & Industry Sector in Qatar pursuant to the directives of H.H. The Emir. The development of the Qatari workforce, through proper education and training, is now a primary national objective designed to enhance the development march in the country. We appreciate the role of expatriates as partners supporting the Qatarization process. Expatriates who have contributed favourably to our Qatarization drive are seen as valuable members of our workforce. Wherever possible, we will continue to employ those high performing expatriates in new business developments and expansions in the Energy & Industry Sector.
15. We have the experienced support services and the technology to take over your complete recruitment requirements.
Top jobsites in UK
1. On line job search for advertising, marketing, PR and sales jobs in the UK, updated daily.
2. UK database of jobs from the Guardian newspaper.
3. Provides job listings by email and distributes CVs to recruitment agencies.
4. Career forum, discussion groups, career profiles and UK graduate recruitment.
5. Top graduate recruiters, regular news service, and careers advice from Dr. Job.
6. Offers job and CV databases, company profiles, and more.
7. submit your CV or search for vacancies.
8. London Job listings and employment careers
9. Daily updates of job vacancies, career guides, articles
10. UK job database.
11. UK recruitment site where you can search , create your own web resume, and be notified of new developments via email.
12. Management, professional, and technical listings across Europe.
13. A niche job site for customer service professionals in all industries.
14. Apply to the best of jobs easily – Experience EzeeApply
15. Tip Top Job is the on-line recruitment resource for both jobseekers to search jobs and for jobs advertisers to advertise job vacancies.
2. UK database of jobs from the Guardian newspaper.
3. Provides job listings by email and distributes CVs to recruitment agencies.
4. Career forum, discussion groups, career profiles and UK graduate recruitment.
5. Top graduate recruiters, regular news service, and careers advice from Dr. Job.
6. Offers job and CV databases, company profiles, and more.
7. submit your CV or search for vacancies.
8. London Job listings and employment careers
9. Daily updates of job vacancies, career guides, articles
10. UK job database.
11. UK recruitment site where you can search , create your own web resume, and be notified of new developments via email.
12. Management, professional, and technical listings across Europe.
13. A niche job site for customer service professionals in all industries.
14. Apply to the best of jobs easily – Experience EzeeApply
15. Tip Top Job is the on-line recruitment resource for both jobseekers to search jobs and for jobs advertisers to advertise job vacancies.
Top jobsites in UK
16. Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
17. Oilcareers is an independent company with the sole objective of facilitating recruitment and providing career related services to the Oil & Gas Industry. We are not an employment agency and have no affiliations to any other companies including recruitment agencies or consultancies.
18. The largest job search Portal in world
19. JAC (Japan Agency and Consultancy) is a leading reputable international recruitment and consultancy.
20. PlanetRecruit: IT, Engineering and Management jobs from the UK's top recruitment agencies
21. Find a job in all eurobian countries.
22. Careerjet Careerjet is an employment search engine. It allows you to search a growing selection of jobsites in one go saving you the trouble of having to go to each site individually
23. Mine jobs provides you with access to the best mining jobs, mineral exploration jobs, oil and gas exploration jobs, geologist jobs, earth sciences research and scientific jobs.
24. Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining & Engineering Jobs Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
25. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
26. Learn4good is a directory which provides information on quality educational, employment & travel resources worldwide.
27. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
28. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
29. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
30. Academic Jobs EU is an independent company with the sole objective of facilitating recruitment and providing career related services to European Academic Institutions.
31. Euro Summer Jobs
32. StepStone harnesses advanced technology to create online marketplaces where candidates find matching jobs and recruiters find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently
17. Oilcareers is an independent company with the sole objective of facilitating recruitment and providing career related services to the Oil & Gas Industry. We are not an employment agency and have no affiliations to any other companies including recruitment agencies or consultancies.
18. The largest job search Portal in world
19. JAC (Japan Agency and Consultancy) is a leading reputable international recruitment and consultancy.
20. PlanetRecruit: IT, Engineering and Management jobs from the UK's top recruitment agencies
21. Find a job in all eurobian countries.
22. Careerjet Careerjet is an employment search engine. It allows you to search a growing selection of jobsites in one go saving you the trouble of having to go to each site individually
23. Mine jobs provides you with access to the best mining jobs, mineral exploration jobs, oil and gas exploration jobs, geologist jobs, earth sciences research and scientific jobs.
24. Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining & Engineering Jobs Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
25. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
26. Learn4good is a directory which provides information on quality educational, employment & travel resources worldwide.
27. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
28. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
29. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
30. Academic Jobs EU is an independent company with the sole objective of facilitating recruitment and providing career related services to European Academic Institutions.
31. Euro Summer Jobs
32. StepStone harnesses advanced technology to create online marketplaces where candidates find matching jobs and recruiters find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently
Top jobsites in USA
1. US Careers and Jobs
2. NewYork Times US Careers and Jobs
3. US Careers and Jobs
4. US Careers and Jobs
5. Asian American Economic Development Inc US Careers and Jobs
6. Atlanta Job Resource Center US Careers and Jobs
7. Best Jobs US Careers and Jobs
8. Career US Careers and Jobs
9. Career US Careers and Jobs
10. Help Wanted US Careers and Jobs
11. US Careers and Jobs
12. The Job US Careers and Jobs
13. US Careers and Jobs
14. Job Ads US Careers and Jobs
15. US Careers and Jobs
2. NewYork Times US Careers and Jobs
3. US Careers and Jobs
4. US Careers and Jobs
5. Asian American Economic Development Inc US Careers and Jobs
6. Atlanta Job Resource Center US Careers and Jobs
7. Best Jobs US Careers and Jobs
8. Career US Careers and Jobs
9. Career US Careers and Jobs
10. Help Wanted US Careers and Jobs
11. US Careers and Jobs
12. The Job US Careers and Jobs
13. US Careers and Jobs
14. Job Ads US Careers and Jobs
15. US Careers and Jobs
Top Job Sites in USA
16. US Careers and Jobs
17. Job US Careers and Jobs
18. Job US Careers and Jobs
19. TRAC America US Careers and Jobs
20. US Careers and Jobs
21. SR US Careers and Jobs
22. US US Careers and Jobs
23. US US Careers and Jobs
24. US Job US Careers and Jobs
25. Help US Careers and Jobs
26. JobWeb?, a web site of career development and job-search information for college students and new college graduates, is owned and sponsored by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). NACE is America's bridge between higher education and the world of work
27. The North Central Texas WorkForce Development Board provides leadership to our extensive network of workforce centers and service providers dedicated to assisting employers find the right employee and jobseekers find the right job.
28. Yahoo hot jobs in USA
29. Job lists links to area companies with employment pages on their web sites. Our free job listing service is intended for both employers and job seekers as a community service.
30. A nice job site for customer service professionals in all industries.
17. Job US Careers and Jobs
18. Job US Careers and Jobs
19. TRAC America US Careers and Jobs
20. US Careers and Jobs
21. SR US Careers and Jobs
22. US US Careers and Jobs
23. US US Careers and Jobs
24. US Job US Careers and Jobs
25. Help US Careers and Jobs
26. JobWeb?, a web site of career development and job-search information for college students and new college graduates, is owned and sponsored by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). NACE is America's bridge between higher education and the world of work
27. The North Central Texas WorkForce Development Board provides leadership to our extensive network of workforce centers and service providers dedicated to assisting employers find the right employee and jobseekers find the right job.
28. Yahoo hot jobs in USA
29. Job lists links to area companies with employment pages on their web sites. Our free job listing service is intended for both employers and job seekers as a community service.
30. A nice job site for customer service professionals in all industries.
Top Job Sites in USA
31. Tip Top Job is the on-line recruitment resource for both jobseekers to search jobs and for jobs advertisers to advertise job vacancies.
32. Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
33. Oilcareers is an independent company with the sole objective of facilitating recruitment and providing career related services to the Oil & Gas Industry. We are not an employment agency and have no affiliations to any other companies including recruitment agencies or consultancies.
34. The largest job search Portal in world
35. is today the leading online recruitment network in Asia Pacific.
36. Careerjet Careerjet is an employment search engine. It allows you to search a growing selection of jobsites in one go saving you the trouble of having to go to each site individually
37. Mine jobs provides you with access to the best mining jobs, mineral exploration jobs, oil and gas exploration jobs, geologist jobs, earth sciences research and scientific jobs.
38. Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining & Engineering Jobs Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
39. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
40. Learn4good is a directory which provides information on quality educational, employment & travel resources worldwide.
41. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
42. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
43. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
44. Local Careers.COm (Specialised in USA) All jobs in statewise
45. (Sales Jobs in USA) View Sales Job and Employment Headlines.
32. Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
33. Oilcareers is an independent company with the sole objective of facilitating recruitment and providing career related services to the Oil & Gas Industry. We are not an employment agency and have no affiliations to any other companies including recruitment agencies or consultancies.
34. The largest job search Portal in world
35. is today the leading online recruitment network in Asia Pacific.
36. Careerjet Careerjet is an employment search engine. It allows you to search a growing selection of jobsites in one go saving you the trouble of having to go to each site individually
37. Mine jobs provides you with access to the best mining jobs, mineral exploration jobs, oil and gas exploration jobs, geologist jobs, earth sciences research and scientific jobs.
38. Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining & Engineering Jobs Go 4 Construction Jobs, the global recruitment website for the building, civil engineering, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. The MULTILINGUAL design of the website ensures that employers and candidates are matched effectively.
39. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
40. Learn4good is a directory which provides information on quality educational, employment & travel resources worldwide.
41. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
42. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
43. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
44. Local Careers.COm (Specialised in USA) All jobs in statewise
45. (Sales Jobs in USA) View Sales Job and Employment Headlines.
Top Job Sites in USA
46. (HR Jobs) View HR Job and Employment Headlines.
47. View Recruiting Job and Employment Headlines.
48. Medical Jobs View Recruiting Job and Employment Headlines.
49. View Managers Job and Employment Headlines.
50. View Accounting Job and Employment Headlines.
51. View Banking Job and Employment Headlines.
52. View Computer Job and Employment Headlines.
53. View Engineering Job and Employment Headlines.
54. View Engineering Job and Employment Headlines.
55. View Retail Job and Employment Headlines.
56. View Trucking Job and Employment Headlines.
57. View Clerical Job and Employment Headlines.
58. StepStone harnesses advanced technology to create online marketplaces where candidates find matching jobs and recruiters find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently
47. View Recruiting Job and Employment Headlines.
48. Medical Jobs View Recruiting Job and Employment Headlines.
49. View Managers Job and Employment Headlines.
50. View Accounting Job and Employment Headlines.
51. View Banking Job and Employment Headlines.
52. View Computer Job and Employment Headlines.
53. View Engineering Job and Employment Headlines.
54. View Engineering Job and Employment Headlines.
55. View Retail Job and Employment Headlines.
56. View Trucking Job and Employment Headlines.
57. View Clerical Job and Employment Headlines.
58. StepStone harnesses advanced technology to create online marketplaces where candidates find matching jobs and recruiters find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently
Jobsites in Bangladesh
1. has the best selection of job vacancies throughout Bangladesh and is updated daily. With practical tips and advice on CVs and interviews the site also guides users through the whole process of getting a job.
2. is a sister concern of A1 system Ltd. Media Partner : Highest Visited & Largest Jobsite In Bangladesh
2. is a sister concern of A1 system Ltd. Media Partner : Highest Visited & Largest Jobsite In Bangladesh
Jobsites in Bangladesh
3. Tip Top Job is the on-line recruitment resource for both jobseekers to search jobs and for jobs advertisers to advertise job vacancies.
4. As a leader in the online recruiting industry, Yahoo! HotJobs ( has revolutionized the way people manage their careers and the way companies hire talent. Yahoo! HotJobs' tools and advice put job seekers in control of their careers and make it easier and more cost-effective for employers and staffing firms to find qualified candidates. In addition to its popular consumer job board, Yahoo! HotJobs provides employers, recruiters, and staffing agencies with progressive recruiting solutions and hiring management software
4. As a leader in the online recruiting industry, Yahoo! HotJobs ( has revolutionized the way people manage their careers and the way companies hire talent. Yahoo! HotJobs' tools and advice put job seekers in control of their careers and make it easier and more cost-effective for employers and staffing firms to find qualified candidates. In addition to its popular consumer job board, Yahoo! HotJobs provides employers, recruiters, and staffing agencies with progressive recruiting solutions and hiring management software
Jobsites in Bangladesh
5. Engineering, Energy, Transport & Telecommunication, provides a job portal for International/ Expat (Expatriate) Engineers. This web site offers information on jobs for people involved in the Engineering, Oil & Gas, Exploration & Production, Mining, Petrochemical, Building and Construction, Civil Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Telecommunications sectors.
6. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
7. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
6. (All areas) Find jobs by selecting sectors and locations where you would like to work.
7. English Teaching Jobs in Worldwide ESL employment is a new initiative in the ESL/EFL field designed to provide full access to employment opportunities for the job seeker and simplify the recruiting and employee staffing process for employers. ESL employment provides a resource that is user-friendly, intuitive and focused. By solely targeting the ESL/EFL job market, ESL employment has created an optimal solution for today's rapidly growing English language employment needs.
Jobsites in Bangladesh
8. Job site listings
9. is a career management site with vast resources first time in Bangladesh. has been launched with a lot of new ideas which are not seen in other job sites before it's launch.
10. is powered by DNS Software Ltd. (DSL), a concern of DNS Group, the leading ICT solution provider in Bangladesh. Since its inception in 2001, DSL is dedicated to innovative solutions and her quality management system is registered with ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance standard.
9. is a career management site with vast resources first time in Bangladesh. has been launched with a lot of new ideas which are not seen in other job sites before it's launch.
10. is powered by DNS Software Ltd. (DSL), a concern of DNS Group, the leading ICT solution provider in Bangladesh. Since its inception in 2001, DSL is dedicated to innovative solutions and her quality management system is registered with ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance standard.
Call center Jobs
Citycell -
Customer Care Manager
Customer Care Manager (Rajshahi and Khulna/ Barisal)
Job Description / Responsibility
Ensure desired level of customer service of assigned division/s aligned with company’s strategy and vision Facilitate intra & Inter divisional cooperation and communication Mobilize the customer care team of the assigned division/s to deliver desired level of customer service Drive continuous improvement of processes, systems and quality of staff Drive staff development schemes in regard to training, career planning, retention and recognition in line with company’s business strategy
Educational RequirementsMasters preferably MBA from a reputed institute
Experience Requirements3 to 5 year(s)
Additional Job Requirements The applicant should have at least 3/ 5 years experience in service industry, including experience in supervising and managing team. Leadership qualities to direct and motivate employeesReasonable understanding of Customer Service Operations and its management Clarity on the strategic impact of customer service in organization Effective listening, reasoning, facilitation, negotiation, communication and interpersonal skills Analytical skill Ability to manage projects effectively
Job LocationBarisal, Khulna, Rajshahi
Job Online job posting
Application Deadline: May 06, 2008
Customer Care Manager
Customer Care Manager (Rajshahi and Khulna/ Barisal)
Job Description / Responsibility
Ensure desired level of customer service of assigned division/s aligned with company’s strategy and vision Facilitate intra & Inter divisional cooperation and communication Mobilize the customer care team of the assigned division/s to deliver desired level of customer service Drive continuous improvement of processes, systems and quality of staff Drive staff development schemes in regard to training, career planning, retention and recognition in line with company’s business strategy
Educational RequirementsMasters preferably MBA from a reputed institute
Experience Requirements3 to 5 year(s)
Additional Job Requirements The applicant should have at least 3/ 5 years experience in service industry, including experience in supervising and managing team. Leadership qualities to direct and motivate employeesReasonable understanding of Customer Service Operations and its management Clarity on the strategic impact of customer service in organization Effective listening, reasoning, facilitation, negotiation, communication and interpersonal skills Analytical skill Ability to manage projects effectively
Job LocationBarisal, Khulna, Rajshahi
Job Online job posting
Application Deadline: May 06, 2008
Call center Jobs
Call Centre Executive
A Multinational Company
Job Title: Call Centre Executive
No. of Vacancies : 1
Job Description / ResponsibilityExcellent communication skill in both written and verbal English
Educational Requirements Graduate in any discipline
Additional Job RequirementsOnly females are allowed to apply.
Salary Range Negotiable
Job LocationAnywhere in Bangladesh
Job Online job posting
Application Deadline: May 18, 2008
A Multinational Company
Job Title: Call Centre Executive
No. of Vacancies : 1
Job Description / ResponsibilityExcellent communication skill in both written and verbal English
Educational Requirements Graduate in any discipline
Additional Job RequirementsOnly females are allowed to apply.
Salary Range Negotiable
Job LocationAnywhere in Bangladesh
Job Online job posting
Application Deadline: May 18, 2008
Telecom jobs
Call Centre Tele Marketing
A Multinational Company
Job Title: Call Centre Tele Marketing
No. of Vacancies : 1
Educational RequirementsGraduate in any discipline
Additional Job RequirementsOnly females are allowed to apply. Proficiency in both written/ spoken English
Salary Range Negotiable
Job LocationAnywhere in Bangladesh
Job Online job posting
Application Deadline: May 18, 2008
A Multinational Company
Job Title: Call Centre Tele Marketing
No. of Vacancies : 1
Educational RequirementsGraduate in any discipline
Additional Job RequirementsOnly females are allowed to apply. Proficiency in both written/ spoken English
Salary Range Negotiable
Job LocationAnywhere in Bangladesh
Job Online job posting
Application Deadline: May 18, 2008
Peoples Tel Call center Job
Peoples Telecommunication & Information Services Ltd ( PeoplesTel)
Call Center Operator
No. of Vacancies : 10
Job Description / ResponsibilityReceive customers phone calls for any query/ complain.Co-ondinate with concerned Section/ Branch for solving the problem of customers.Reply customers query/ complain.Maintain daily log book and records of Exchanges/ Installations staff movement as per report over phone.
Educational RequirementsS.S.C / H.S.C
Application Deadline: April 20, 2008
Call Center Operator
No. of Vacancies : 10
Job Description / ResponsibilityReceive customers phone calls for any query/ complain.Co-ondinate with concerned Section/ Branch for solving the problem of customers.Reply customers query/ complain.Maintain daily log book and records of Exchanges/ Installations staff movement as per report over phone.
Educational RequirementsS.S.C / H.S.C
Application Deadline: April 20, 2008
Telecom jobs
Network Quality Junior Engineer
Major ResponsibilitiesCommunicate and discuss different technical solution for network issues with cross functional team.Monitor and analyze systems, processes and parameters to measure the performance of Network linking them with customer perceptions and recommend action plans for constant improvement. Develop and implement network quality improvement plan to achieve performance excellence. Correlate network faults and events with customer complaints and formulate action plans for operational teams.Initiate and coordinate cross functional projects to achieve and maintain excellent network at regional level.Root cause analysis of customer complains & initiatives to reduce complains.Produce and generate several Reports correlating network quality and customer perceptions.Analyze Network Quality Parameters and linked them with customer perceptions.Follow up various network quality issues with cross functional teams between Technical and Non Technical departments and resolve them by meeting the deadlines.
Required Academic QualificationsB.Sc. in Engineering in Electrical & Electronics / Telecommunication / CSE from any reputed university.
Required Experience1 year working experience of GSM Network Planning, Operations or Performance in mobile communications industry.
Required Knowledge & SkillsTechnical knowledge on mobile network operations and various Technical Nodes (IN, MSC, HLR, GPRS BSC etc).Trainings on Project Management, GSM/GPRS Network, MS Office applications are preferable.
Required CompetenciesAbility to develop plans and control systems.Goal oriented, self motivated and proactive.Strong leadership and communication capability.Capable of handling stressful and critical situations.
Department/Division/Job LocationNetwork Quality / TAS / Dhaka.
Application Deadline : Saturday, May 17, 2008
Network Quality Junior Engineer
Major ResponsibilitiesCommunicate and discuss different technical solution for network issues with cross functional team.Monitor and analyze systems, processes and parameters to measure the performance of Network linking them with customer perceptions and recommend action plans for constant improvement. Develop and implement network quality improvement plan to achieve performance excellence. Correlate network faults and events with customer complaints and formulate action plans for operational teams.Initiate and coordinate cross functional projects to achieve and maintain excellent network at regional level.Root cause analysis of customer complains & initiatives to reduce complains.Produce and generate several Reports correlating network quality and customer perceptions.Analyze Network Quality Parameters and linked them with customer perceptions.Follow up various network quality issues with cross functional teams between Technical and Non Technical departments and resolve them by meeting the deadlines.
Required Academic QualificationsB.Sc. in Engineering in Electrical & Electronics / Telecommunication / CSE from any reputed university.
Required Experience1 year working experience of GSM Network Planning, Operations or Performance in mobile communications industry.
Required Knowledge & SkillsTechnical knowledge on mobile network operations and various Technical Nodes (IN, MSC, HLR, GPRS BSC etc).Trainings on Project Management, GSM/GPRS Network, MS Office applications are preferable.
Required CompetenciesAbility to develop plans and control systems.Goal oriented, self motivated and proactive.Strong leadership and communication capability.Capable of handling stressful and critical situations.
Department/Division/Job LocationNetwork Quality / TAS / Dhaka.
Application Deadline : Saturday, May 17, 2008
Telecom jobs
Network Senior Administrator
Major Responsibilities Planning & design WAN infrastructure.Implement LAN/WAN connectivity for various sites according to plan.Maintain reliable LAN/WAN connectivity for various sites.Troubleshoot routing, switching, load balancer, IOS related problem.Maintain and expand WLAN connectivity in various sites, upgrade IOS, change/modify current configuration as per requirement.Create and analyze WAN traffic report.Configure and monitor NMS for WAN.Implement, support and maintenance maintain secure connectivity with banglalink peer through VPN.Create and maintain connectivity with different Content Provider (CP), Bank and TV/Radio channel for VAS services through private and public network.Configure and monitor and analyze Syslog message of Cisco Switch, Router and PIX.
Required Academic QualificationsB. Sc. in Computer Science, Electrical & Electronic Engineering or related fields. Industry standard Cisco certification CCNA, CCNP is desirable. University degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted.
Application Deadline : Saturday, May 31, 2008
Network Senior Administrator
Major Responsibilities Planning & design WAN infrastructure.Implement LAN/WAN connectivity for various sites according to plan.Maintain reliable LAN/WAN connectivity for various sites.Troubleshoot routing, switching, load balancer, IOS related problem.Maintain and expand WLAN connectivity in various sites, upgrade IOS, change/modify current configuration as per requirement.Create and analyze WAN traffic report.Configure and monitor NMS for WAN.Implement, support and maintenance maintain secure connectivity with banglalink peer through VPN.Create and maintain connectivity with different Content Provider (CP), Bank and TV/Radio channel for VAS services through private and public network.Configure and monitor and analyze Syslog message of Cisco Switch, Router and PIX.
Required Academic QualificationsB. Sc. in Computer Science, Electrical & Electronic Engineering or related fields. Industry standard Cisco certification CCNA, CCNP is desirable. University degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted.
Application Deadline : Saturday, May 31, 2008
Telecom jobs
Quality Senior Engineer / Engineer
Major Responsibilities:Regular quality control audit in sites.Apply the quality assurance system specific to the works from company standardsEnsuring availability and accuracy of performance data/statistics of subcontractors in terms of quality.Positively contribute to the development/enrichment of Civil Works specification and processEnsure that subcontractors follow the QA process and procedures.
Required Academic Qualifications:Bachelor in Civil/Electrical Engineering from any reputed University.
Application Deadline : Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Quality Senior Engineer / Engineer
Major Responsibilities:Regular quality control audit in sites.Apply the quality assurance system specific to the works from company standardsEnsuring availability and accuracy of performance data/statistics of subcontractors in terms of quality.Positively contribute to the development/enrichment of Civil Works specification and processEnsure that subcontractors follow the QA process and procedures.
Required Academic Qualifications:Bachelor in Civil/Electrical Engineering from any reputed University.
Application Deadline : Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Telecom jobs
Cost Control Senior Engineer / Engineer
Major Responsibilities:Budget analysis and consolidation of expenditure.Preparation of Budget Vs Actual Report for technical.Cost analysis report preparation, checking and submission.Analysis of site cost and identifies areas of cost savings development.Ensuring availability and accuracy of performance data/statistics in terms of costing.BoQ analysis and Invoice solution.
Required Academic Qualifications:Business graduate from any reputed University.
Application Deadline : Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cost Control Senior Engineer / Engineer
Major Responsibilities:Budget analysis and consolidation of expenditure.Preparation of Budget Vs Actual Report for technical.Cost analysis report preparation, checking and submission.Analysis of site cost and identifies areas of cost savings development.Ensuring availability and accuracy of performance data/statistics in terms of costing.BoQ analysis and Invoice solution.
Required Academic Qualifications:Business graduate from any reputed University.
Application Deadline : Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Job in Telecom Sector
Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Limited
Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Limited, a 100% subsidiary company of Huawei Technologies, is one of leading Telecom Solution providers in this country.
Assistant Service Engineer(Terminal Service)
Job Description:
Supervise the technical maintenance of terminals
Perform pre-sales technical work
Manage after sales spare parts in technical perspective
Support the terminal team for customer service
Job Requirement:
Bachelor's degree in Communication Engineering/Electronics/ Electrical Engineering/ Applied Physics/ Computer Engineering from any well reputed institute/university is must.
Should have at least 2 years working experience in Telecommunication Company (preferably in vendor).
Keen knowledge in Electronics & software platform (Preferably related to mobile devices)
Excellent communication skill in English & Bengali is a must.
Most attractive remuneration & benefit package of the market will be offered to the best candidate.
Note: Unfair Persuasion Is Prohibited. Only short listed candidates shall be called for preliminary interview.
Please clearly mention the position applied for.
Contact Address:
Head of HR
Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Ltd.
Uday Tower (2nd floor), Plot No- 57 & 57/A, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212.
Application Deadline: 10 November, 2008
Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Limited, a 100% subsidiary company of Huawei Technologies, is one of leading Telecom Solution providers in this country.
Assistant Service Engineer(Terminal Service)
Job Description:
Supervise the technical maintenance of terminals
Perform pre-sales technical work
Manage after sales spare parts in technical perspective
Support the terminal team for customer service
Job Requirement:
Bachelor's degree in Communication Engineering/Electronics/ Electrical Engineering/ Applied Physics/ Computer Engineering from any well reputed institute/university is must.
Should have at least 2 years working experience in Telecommunication Company (preferably in vendor).
Keen knowledge in Electronics & software platform (Preferably related to mobile devices)
Excellent communication skill in English & Bengali is a must.
Most attractive remuneration & benefit package of the market will be offered to the best candidate.
Note: Unfair Persuasion Is Prohibited. Only short listed candidates shall be called for preliminary interview.
Please clearly mention the position applied for.
Contact Address:
Head of HR
Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Ltd.
Uday Tower (2nd floor), Plot No- 57 & 57/A, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212.
Application Deadline: 10 November, 2008
Job In Medical
Apollo Hospitals Dhaka is the newest hospital in the Apollo Hospital Group family, Southeast Asia's largest healthcare provider. The Hospital is a 450-bed tertiary care facility delivering international standard healthcare at an affordable price to the people of Bangladesh. With a complete range of diagnostic, medical and surgical facilities, the Hospital strives to be at the forefront of medical care in Bangladesh. Apollo Hospitals Dhaka is looking for qualified, skilled and experienced individual for the following position:
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES:Facilitate the management activity of Appointment call centre of Apollo hospital DhakaMaintain daily appointment & incoming call register.Maintain online appointments.Maintain confirmation and cancellation of the appointments.Maintain re-schedule of the appointments.Updating the reserve slot register.Maintain call back & request registers.Aware about the leave of consultants & updating related departments.Maintain the report of NO SHOW (current & previous). Co-ordinate with the consultant & Operations regarding appointment slots for the new consultants.Executing Supervisors instruction to the call center staffs.Preparing monthly duty roaster for the call center staffs.Arranging call center staff coordination meeting and training.Implementing, Supervising and Ensuring of concerned policies regarding call center.
Education/ExperienceM.B.A./ Masters with 3-5 years experience in relevant field.
Technical CompetenciesProven Experience in multi tasking. Information Monitoring.Planning & Organizing.Pattern Reorganization.
Behavioral Competencies Self confidence.Judgment.Professional knowledge.Customer orientation.
Salary Range : Negotiable based on experience.
Job location : Dhaka
Instructions to apply: Please send your CV, contact telephone-email number and photograph to or to the General Manager-Human Resources, Apollo Hospitals Dhaka, Plot 81, Block E, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229. Short listed candidates will be invited to selection process. Candidates who have applied before need not to apply.
Application Deadline: July 28, 2008
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES:Facilitate the management activity of Appointment call centre of Apollo hospital DhakaMaintain daily appointment & incoming call register.Maintain online appointments.Maintain confirmation and cancellation of the appointments.Maintain re-schedule of the appointments.Updating the reserve slot register.Maintain call back & request registers.Aware about the leave of consultants & updating related departments.Maintain the report of NO SHOW (current & previous). Co-ordinate with the consultant & Operations regarding appointment slots for the new consultants.Executing Supervisors instruction to the call center staffs.Preparing monthly duty roaster for the call center staffs.Arranging call center staff coordination meeting and training.Implementing, Supervising and Ensuring of concerned policies regarding call center.
Education/ExperienceM.B.A./ Masters with 3-5 years experience in relevant field.
Technical CompetenciesProven Experience in multi tasking. Information Monitoring.Planning & Organizing.Pattern Reorganization.
Behavioral Competencies Self confidence.Judgment.Professional knowledge.Customer orientation.
Salary Range : Negotiable based on experience.
Job location : Dhaka
Instructions to apply: Please send your CV, contact telephone-email number and photograph to or to the General Manager-Human Resources, Apollo Hospitals Dhaka, Plot 81, Block E, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229. Short listed candidates will be invited to selection process. Candidates who have applied before need not to apply.
Application Deadline: July 28, 2008
Looking For Jobs in Bangladesh?
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd., a leading fast growing Private Commercial Bank invites application for the following positions:
Principal Officer, HUMAN RESOURCES
Provides HR administrative functions in the areas of recruitment, training and development, people and performance management, social welfare as well as updating and maintenance of HRIS
Job Responsibilities: Recruitment Coordinate, negotiate and liaise with employees. Organize interview in consultation with management and inform candidate accordingly Prepare Letter of Offer to selected candidates and Letter of Rejection to unsuccessful candidates Conduct exit interview
Training Conducts orientation program to new employees Coordinates and liaises with external Consultants on employees' training needs and arranges training schedules for employees Evaluates the effectiveness of the respective training programs by obtaining feedback from employees
Welfare Attend to employees' grievances and complaints; provides guidance if necessary Provide feedback to the management to enhance a better and cordial working environment Organize corporate events such as company's dinner, corporate trip, family day etc
HR Administration Review, update and maintain proper filing of HR handbook, performance appraisal form and training schedules Assist Financial Administration Dept. in planning and preparing annual headcount report and updating the organization chart Assist reviewing compensation and benefits of all designated employee May need to draft agreement/contract for regular/part-time employee Assist in yearly manpower planning and expansion Take charge of HR consultancy projects by appointing HR Consultants for specific HR projects and coordinates with department heads and HR Consultants on respective projects Assist in drafting out Annual Letter and Promotion Letter Administer the HR procedures are adhered to Handle monthly payroll and year-end salary increment for employees Manage and appraise subordinates' performance and their career advancement
Required Qualifications: MBA major in Human Resources Management or equivalent At least 2 to 3 years' relevant experience Proficient in HR matter Intermediate to advanced Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word) essential
Required Competencies: Excellent communication both written and verbal Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Able to communicate well with all levels of people Strong interpersonal skills Team player Discreet
Sr Officer/ Principal Officer, MIS
Job Responsibilities: MIS Development and production with focus on banking products, bank financing, SWOT analysis of sectoral investment etc. MIS analysis and interpretation for recommendations to Top management and other concerned person if necessary Initial and ongoing development and integration of Business Intelligence Manage successful MIS projects as required and/or identified within the context of ongoing business areas Providing MIS input to ensure that any resultant MIS from the project is catered for Plan and direct data requirements and analysis to provide ad hoc MIS and integrate into MIS reporting suite when appropriate Data warehousing – continually reviewing and initiating projects to ensure relevant information is available and can be provided immediately Profile the portfolio and product offerings and act as subject matter expert on trends, profitability and productivity models, risk analysis etc. Develop change control procedures in liaison with other departments and branches if necessary Direct exposure and interaction with all areas of a dynamic and growing offshore financial business that covers a wide range of financial markets across the country Access to ongoing development and training through MTB training institute and/or technical/subject matter training as required based on the evolution of the role. Ability to make decisions which will directly impact the performance of business potentials
Required Knowledge: Presenting MIS and business results to all levels of management Previous experience of MIS production within sales/financial/banking industry Previous experience developing and deploying various qualitative and quantitative models to drive increased sales performance and/or mitigate risk areas
Required Qualifications: Post Graduation degree in Computer Science, MBA in MIS or any relevant subject At least 2 to 3 years' relevant experience Intermediate to advanced Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word) essential
Required Competencies: Excellent communication both written and verbal Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Strong interpersonal skills Team player Discreet
If you feel you are the right candidate, send your resume along with a covering letter no later than 10 November 2008 to Human Resources Division, Bhuiyan Centre, Head Office, 68 Dilkusha CA, 1000. Please mention the position you have applied for on the top of the envelope. You can also email to
Principal Officer, HUMAN RESOURCES
Provides HR administrative functions in the areas of recruitment, training and development, people and performance management, social welfare as well as updating and maintenance of HRIS
Job Responsibilities: Recruitment Coordinate, negotiate and liaise with employees. Organize interview in consultation with management and inform candidate accordingly Prepare Letter of Offer to selected candidates and Letter of Rejection to unsuccessful candidates Conduct exit interview
Training Conducts orientation program to new employees Coordinates and liaises with external Consultants on employees' training needs and arranges training schedules for employees Evaluates the effectiveness of the respective training programs by obtaining feedback from employees
Welfare Attend to employees' grievances and complaints; provides guidance if necessary Provide feedback to the management to enhance a better and cordial working environment Organize corporate events such as company's dinner, corporate trip, family day etc
HR Administration Review, update and maintain proper filing of HR handbook, performance appraisal form and training schedules Assist Financial Administration Dept. in planning and preparing annual headcount report and updating the organization chart Assist reviewing compensation and benefits of all designated employee May need to draft agreement/contract for regular/part-time employee Assist in yearly manpower planning and expansion Take charge of HR consultancy projects by appointing HR Consultants for specific HR projects and coordinates with department heads and HR Consultants on respective projects Assist in drafting out Annual Letter and Promotion Letter Administer the HR procedures are adhered to Handle monthly payroll and year-end salary increment for employees Manage and appraise subordinates' performance and their career advancement
Required Qualifications: MBA major in Human Resources Management or equivalent At least 2 to 3 years' relevant experience Proficient in HR matter Intermediate to advanced Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word) essential
Required Competencies: Excellent communication both written and verbal Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Able to communicate well with all levels of people Strong interpersonal skills Team player Discreet
Sr Officer/ Principal Officer, MIS
Job Responsibilities: MIS Development and production with focus on banking products, bank financing, SWOT analysis of sectoral investment etc. MIS analysis and interpretation for recommendations to Top management and other concerned person if necessary Initial and ongoing development and integration of Business Intelligence Manage successful MIS projects as required and/or identified within the context of ongoing business areas Providing MIS input to ensure that any resultant MIS from the project is catered for Plan and direct data requirements and analysis to provide ad hoc MIS and integrate into MIS reporting suite when appropriate Data warehousing – continually reviewing and initiating projects to ensure relevant information is available and can be provided immediately Profile the portfolio and product offerings and act as subject matter expert on trends, profitability and productivity models, risk analysis etc. Develop change control procedures in liaison with other departments and branches if necessary Direct exposure and interaction with all areas of a dynamic and growing offshore financial business that covers a wide range of financial markets across the country Access to ongoing development and training through MTB training institute and/or technical/subject matter training as required based on the evolution of the role. Ability to make decisions which will directly impact the performance of business potentials
Required Knowledge: Presenting MIS and business results to all levels of management Previous experience of MIS production within sales/financial/banking industry Previous experience developing and deploying various qualitative and quantitative models to drive increased sales performance and/or mitigate risk areas
Required Qualifications: Post Graduation degree in Computer Science, MBA in MIS or any relevant subject At least 2 to 3 years' relevant experience Intermediate to advanced Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word) essential
Required Competencies: Excellent communication both written and verbal Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Strong interpersonal skills Team player Discreet
If you feel you are the right candidate, send your resume along with a covering letter no later than 10 November 2008 to Human Resources Division, Bhuiyan Centre, Head Office, 68 Dilkusha CA, 1000. Please mention the position you have applied for on the top of the envelope. You can also email to
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